Welcome to the Edmonton Goji Map

Goji berries (in Chinese pinyin: gǒuqǐ 枸杞), are the fruits of full-sun perennial shrubs that grow natively in Asia. They are perfectly content to grow in Edmonton. In fact, gojis have been growing in the wild with indigenous species in the river valley since the first Chinese moved to Edmonton in the 1890s. Goji berries are not only found wild in the river valley, but they are also cultivated in the yards of members of the Asian community, particularly Chinese Canadian families. The oldest reported home-grown goji shrub in Edmonton is 51 years old and owned by a Chinese Canadian grandma, Kwai Ping Lau, who is living in the Ottewell neighbourhood. Others can be found in the north, south and west sides of Edmonton. The most visible goji shrubs can be found in the yards of one of the oldest neighbourhoods, McCauley.

- from The Living History of Gojis in Edmonton by Yong Fei Guan

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